Give a gift to help our community thrive

Your generous tax-deductible donations play a vital role in helping the Home Trust create more forever affordable housing on San Juan Island. Together, we can grow our vibrant, inclusive community by expanding housing opportunities for low and moderate-income families.

Thank you for being a part of our mission!

Other ways to give

Give by Check
Please make checks payable to:
San Juan Community Home Trust
P.O. Box 2603
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Give Stock 
Donations can be made through your broker using the following instructions:

Charles Schwab
Account number: 98983048
Account name: San Juan Community Home Trust
DTC 0164

The full value of the stock is deductible as a charitable donation. Please have your broker notify the Home Trust office at (360)378-5541 prior to making a transfer in order to expedite an acknowledgment of your gift for tax purposes.

Give through your IRA.
Your IRA plan administrator can help you transfer assets directly to the Home Trust.  Donations to nonprofits made in this way are tax exempt. If you’re 70-1/2 or older on the day of the distribution, you may direct all or some of your IRA up to $100,000 to a qualified non-profit (like us); if you’re subject to a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)for your traditional IRA, your tax-exemption will only be on the amount that would have been taxable.

Ask about employer matching gifts
Many employers match their employees’ donations to nonprofits. Inquire with your employer’s human resources department.

Give through estate planning
When estate planning,  please remember the San Juan Community Home Trust. The Home Trust’s staff welcomes discussing your plans with you, by phone: 360-378-5541, with an in-person appointment, or by mail.

For all tax-deductible donations, the San Juan Community Home Trust’s EIN
is 91-2150712

King’s Market Receipts
Send us your King’s Market receipts (including King’s Marine). King’s will donate 1% of the value of your receipts to the Home Trust through their community donation program supporting nonprofits.